Browse by year: 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015
Meehan, K., Jepson, W., Harris, L. M., Wutich, A., Beresford, M., Fencl, A., London, J., Pierce, G., Radonic, L., Wells, C., Wilson, N. J., Adams, E. A., Arsenault, R., Brewis, A., Harrington, V., Lambrinidou, Y., McGregor, D., Patrick, R., Pauli, B., … Young, S. (2020). “Exposing the myths of household water insecurity in the global north: A critical review”. WIREs Water, 46, 1699.
Martin, J. and G. Sneegas. (2020) “Critical Worldbuilding: Toward a Geographical Engagement with Imagined Worlds” Literary Geographies 6(1): 16-23
Sneegas, G. (2020) “Making the case for Critical Q Methodology” The Professional Geographer 71(1): 78-87. 10.1080/00330124.2019.1598271
Rosinger, Asher, A.Brewis, A. Wutich, W. Jepson, C. Staddon, J. Stoler, S. L. Young, and HWISE Consortium. (2020) “Water borrowing is consistently practiced and associated with water system failures across diverse environments globally” Global Environmental Change.
Stoler, J., W. Jepson, A. Wutich. (2020) “Beyond Handwashing: Water Insecurity Undermines COVID-19 Response in Developing Areas” Journal of Global Health [Viewpoint]
Tomaz, P, W. Jepson, J. Santos (2020) “Urban household water insecurities from the margins: Perspectives from Northeast Brazil” The Professional Geographer.
Wutich, A. Rosinger, A. Brewis, W. Jepson. J. Stoler (2020) Measuring Water for Human Biology. American Journal of Human Biology .
Stoler, J., A. Pearson, C. Staddon, A. Wutich, E. Mack, A. Brewis, A. Rosinger and HWISE Consortium. (2020) Cash water expenditures are associated with household water insecurity, food insecurity, and perceived stress in study sites across 20 low-and middle-income countries. Science of the Total Environment (W. Jepson HWISE Consortium Author)
Schuster R., Butler M., Wutich A., Miller J., Young S., and HWISE Consortium. (2020). “If there is no water, we cannot feed our children”: The far-reaching consequences of water insecurity on infant feeding practices and infant health across 16 low- and middle-income countries. American Journal of Human Biology. (Jepson HWISE Consortium Author)
Young, Sera, Godfred Boeteng, Torsten Neilands, Josh Miller, Shalean Collins, Alexandra Brewis, Ed Frongillo, Hugo Melgar-Quinoes, Roseanne Schuster, Amber Wutich, Wendy Jepson, and Justin Stoler, and HWISE Consortium (2019) “Development and Validation of an Instrument to Measure Household Water Insecurity Across Cultures: The Household Water Insecurity Experiences (HWISE) Scale”. BMJ Global Health.
Brewis, Alexandra, Cassandra Workman, Amber Wutich, Wendy Jepson, Sera Young, and the HWISE-RCN (2019) “Household Water Insecurity Is a Plausible Driver of Food Insecurity: Evidence from 27 Sites in Low- and Middle-Income Countries” American Journal of Human Biology .
Beckner, Sydney, Wendy Jepson, Christian Brannstrom, and John Tracy (2019) “‘What You Have Is a Very Poor Region and a Very Rich Buyer’: Social Perspectives on Urban Water Security and Groundwater Transfers in Central Texas” Society & Natural Resources, 32:11, 1222-1238,
Jepson, W., Amber Wutich, and Leila Harris. (2019) “Water-Security Capabilities and the Human Right to Water.” In Farhana Sultana and Alex Loftus (Eds.), Water Politics: Governance, Justice and the Right to Water. Routledge Earthscan, New York and London, pages 84-98.
Young, Sera, Godfred Boeteng, Torsten Neilands, Josh Miller, Shalean Collins, Alexandra Brewis, Ed Frongillo, Wendy Jepson, Hugo Melgar-Quinoes, Roseanne Schuster, Justin Stoler, Amber Wutich (2019). “A Protocol for the Development and Validation of an Instrument to Measure Household Water Insecurity Across Cultures: The Household Water InSecurity Experiences (HWISE) scale” British Medical Journal Open 9 (1) bmjopen-2018-023558. https://10.1136/bmjopen-2018-023558.
Alexandra Brewis, Asher Rosinger, Amber Wutich, Ellis Adams, Lee Cronk, Amber Pearson, Cassandra Workman, Sera Young, and the HWISE Consortium* (2019) Water Sharing, reciprocity, and need: A comparative study of inter-household water transfers in Sub-Saharan Africa. Economic Anthropology. https://10.1002/sea2.12143 (Jepson HWISE Consortium Author)
Wutich, A., J. Budds, W. Jepson, L. Harris, E. Adams, A. Brewis, L. Cronk, C. DeMyers, K. Maes, T. Marley, J. Miller, A. Pearson, A. Rosinger, R. Schuster, J. Stoler, C. Staddon, P. Wiessner, C. Workman, S.L. Young. (2018) “Household Water Sharing: A Review of Water Gifts, Exchanges, and Transfers across Cultures.” Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews – Water https://10.1002/wat2.1309
Audrey Joslin and Wendy Jepson (2018) “Constructing Territory and Authority through Market-based Conservation in Ecuador’s Andes” Geoforum 91:10-20
Bruno, Tianna and Wendy Jepson. (2018) “Marketization of Environmental Justice: US EPA Environmental Justice Showcase Community Project in Port Arthur, Texas” Local Environment 23 (3) 276-292
Wutich, A. Jessica Budds, Emma Norman, Wendy Jepson, Kathleen O’Reilly, Sameer H. Shah, Leila Harris, Jamie Shinn, and Sera Young (2017) “Advancing Methods for Research on Household Water Insecurity: Studying Entitlements and Capabilities, Socio-cultural dynamics, and Political Processes, Institutions and Governance” Water Security 1(2)
Jepson, Wendy, Jessica Budds, Emma Norman, Amber Wutich, Kathleen O’Reilly, Sameer H. Shah, Leila Harris, Jamie Shinn, and Sera Young (2017) “Advancing Water Security for Human Development: A Relational Perspective” Water Security 1(1)
Jepson, Wendy, Amber Wutich, Godfred Boeteng, Shalean Collins, and Sera Young. (2017) “Progress in Household Water Insecurity Metrics: A Cross-Disciplinary Perspective in the Social Sciences” WIREs Water 4(3)
Jepson, Wendy and Emily Vandewalle (2016) “Household Water Insecurity in the Global North: A Study of Rural and Peri-urban Settlements on the Texas-Mexico Border” The Professional Geographer 68 (1) 66-81
2015 and earlier
Christian Brannstrom, Mary Tilton, Andrew Klein, Wendy Jepson (2015) “Spatial Distribution of Estimated Wind-Power Royalties in West Texas,” LAND 4(4), 1182-1199
Vandewalle, Emily and Wendy Jepson (2015) “Mediating Water Governance: Point-of-use Water Filtration Devices for Low-income Communities on the US-Mexico border” GEO: Geography and Environment 2(9) 107-121
Jepson, Wendy and Christian Brannstrom. (2015) “Techno-nature the Scalar Politics of Water Governance in South Texas” in E. Norman, C. Cook, and A. Cohen (eds) Negotiating Scale in Water Governance (London: Ashgate Publications), 152-177.
Jepson, W. (2014). Measuring ‘no-win’ waterscapes: Experience-based scales and classification approaches to assess household water security in colonias on the US–Mexico border. Geoforum, 51, 107-120.
Jepson, W., & Brown, H. L. (2014). ‘If no gasoline, no water’: privatizing drinking water quality in South Texas colonias. Environment and Planning A, 46(5), 1032-1048.
Jepson, W. (2012). Claiming space, claiming water: contested legal geographies of water in South Texas. Annals of the Association of American Geographers .102(3), 614-631